Purpose of Meeting
We are pleased to invite you to a FREE MEDICARE EDUCATIONAL MEETING conducted by a Benefit Advisor specializing in Medicare. You can expect to better understand your options as you become eligible for your Medicare benefits. We will cover the following information from the official Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services handbooks:
Defining Medicare and its parts (A, B, C, D)
How and when to enroll in Medicare as well as what happens if you are already on Medicare and turning 65
When you are allowed to change plans (Annual Enrollment and Special Enrollment Periods)
Medicare Health Plan Coverage Choices (Medicare Supplement and Medicare Advantage Plans)
Prescription Drug Plans
Do I qualify for extra help with my premiums? How do I apply?
What if I plan to keep working? What if my spouse isn’t on Medicare?
These are just some of the topics we will cover! We will also give you simple, straightforward answers to your questions. The meeting lasts about 30 minutes and will include some Q&A as well.
*If you are unable to attend the workshop and would like to speak to someone instead, please text or call at: 601) 476-6436
Garry Edwards & Chris Carter