The Library functions as a major information source for the community and provides a broad and relevant collection of materials for informational, educational, and recreational purposes to people of differing ages, ethnic groups, lifestyles, and points of view, both in English and in other languages.
Books and other library materials are selected by the professional staff under the supervision of the Director. In selecting library materials, the staff will be guided by consideration of the following criteria:
- The importance of having materials on a variety of subjects and representing many different points of view.
- The authoritativeness of the author or publisher.
- The timeliness and/or permanence of the material.
- Literary merit.
- Information value and relevance to the community.
Staff members, library trustees and patrons of the library are encouraged to recommend titles for consideration which will be evaluated on the above criteria.
The Library employs the CREW (Continuous Review, Evaluation and Weeding) method for collection management.
The Library endorses the Library Bill of Rights and its interpretations as rendered by the American Library Association.
- The library staff will make every reasonable effort to obtain any book or other information source for any patron in good standing.
- Children’s materials are chosen using the same criteria as all other materials.
- All donated materials will be treated with the same selection guidelines that the Library uses when purchasing materials. Donated materials selected for inclusion into the collection become property of LLFRL and are subject to the same standards and retention schedule as other library materials. See Gift Policy.
- Parents are responsible for their children’s choice of reading materials. The Library supplies material on many topics from which the parent may help the child select.
Adopted 09.10.2019
Reviewed 11.17.2022
Revised 12.10.2024