Gift Policy

Last Updated Date
Policy Type

The board of Trustees of the Lincoln Lawrence Franklin Regional Library welcomes gifts of money, materials, equipment and time to the library. Gifts must fit into the overall program of the library.

Materials and Equipment.

Gifts of library materials and equipment are accepted with the following understanding:

  1. All gifts to the library become the sole property of the Lincoln Lawrence Franklin Regional Library. The library will decide the disposition of the material.
  2. All gifts must conform to the library’s selection policy.
  3. Gifts may not be accepted with any restrictions.
  4. Gifts may be designated for certain branches; however, gifts will be evaluated by Regional Library staff for compliance with the library’s selection policy. Disposition of the material will be at the library’s discretion.
  5. Gifts to the library are tax deductible; however library staff cannot determine the value of gifts.


Volunteers can provide useful assistance to the library’s staff. Areas volunteers can help include but are not limited to:

  1. Children’s services, including story programs, summer library programs and other assistance.
  2. Technical assistance, including book processing, book repair and data processing.
  3. Public service and programming assistance, including discussion groups, public relations and helping with general library tasks.
  4. Historical and genealogical assistance, including helping patrons do research, collecting material for the library, documenting events, conducting and processing oral history projects and other activities.

 Volunteers will be expected to establish a work schedule and coordinate their activities with library staff.


Contributions can provide supplemental materials and services beyond the basic operation of the library.

  1. All gifts to the library shall be disposed of at the discretion of the Regional Library Board of Trustees.
  2. Memorial gifts are especially encouraged and may be noted with a bookplate on an appropriate book or other item at the donor’s request. The library will notify the family of the gift.


Approved 09.10.2019